Try e-learning on whistleblowers

„How to react to irregularities in the workplace?” – e-learning on how to apply the EU Directive on whistleblowers protection in practice

We offer a modern learning formula, based on case studies, which uses decision trees to illustrate real dillemas of whistleblowers and consequences of their choices. The goal of the e-learning is to raise awareness among employees of how to behave when witnessing irregularities in the workplace. Course participants:

  • learn about the circumstances and challenges of responding to irregularities;
  • improve their skills on how to recognize the risks of violations such as corruption, conflict of interest or mobbing;
  • will be more aware about legal requirements of whistleblowers’ protection;
  • can see why reporting violations inside an organization is generally a better choice than whistleblowing outside it.

Course available in Polish and English. Take care of ensuring compliance standards in your organization. Contact us about the new whistleblowing course today!

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